Saturday, January 26, 2008

Revive 5s1 blog tag!

Alrite, this blog is DYING (if it's not already 99.9999% dead. wait, that still constitutes as dying. alrite) and we dun wanna see it 1200% dead do we? (like, um, what's with our facebook group??)

to think there were 50 of us people in 5s1, yet only less then half that number of blogposts. or those with a blogger account here, for that matter. sad :(

(those without blogger account, or have no idea how to blog here, leave your email address in a comment, will ya?)

So let's start a tag here. let's call it... The Revive 5s1 Blog Tag!

THE RULE: whoever who posted here after being tag, get to tag 3 people! And the tagged/tagee have to post here.

update people on what has been going on in your life, how you doing, k? i'm sure most of you started uni. or will soon. lots of thing to say, right right??

and don't even try to sneak out of your tag by posting some random words you string together half drunk/asleep/awake or just some random funny youtube video you found. think of it as a sort of open letter, if that helps. and pics! pics are goooood.



oh, how about tagging a non blogger. get them addicted to the blogging bug!! yay!

oh and if someone was tagged, but never post, feel free to retag them again and again if you have to and bug them until they do ya? ^^

let the fun begin! i tag Flo, Rachel Ooi and Caleb!
(ha.. serve you people rite for trying to tag me in the chatbox in the 1st place :p)

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