Saturday, January 26, 2008


Well, I went back to CHS today for KRS' orientation and OMG, there was alot of people in school and on a Saturday morning. Maybe I hadn't been to school for a long time, or maybe it was the first activity Saturday for the month or maybe just, well I miss school.

Anyway, I saw Xin Ni and she was there to collect her SPM cert (it really is kinda late, but who haven't collect you better do before it turns into some rough paper to be used by people like Li Hong who don't give a damn where they do their workings), and then since I just remembered about the 1119 cert, I too followed her to the office.

Mr Tham (remember him ?) was the only teacher there and at first, he asked us to come back during office hours which were 9-5 on weekdays. But maybe it was Xin Ni's undeniable charm that persuaded him to rammage through the drawers to search for the certs. He asked which year and she said 2005, which made him look shocked for awhile.

Anyway, I too collected my 1119 cert and was surprised to see we were the first 2 people to collect the certs. Its nice by the way, better than the SPM cert. So for those who haven't collected them, collect your 1119 cert !!!

So ya, that was basically it. I realise CHS during the day and on the nights I go back to play basketball is very different. I was just there last night and it was all so quiet, as compared to this morning....

Anyway, don't forget CHS, do visit some time soon. And collect your cert.


1 comment:

cnxc323 said...

Eh? There's a 1119 cert? Interesting... I'll go back and collect it in the summer then.