Monday, January 28, 2008

I've been tagged.


Where do I start?

You guys know I'm in Prague, yeah?

Yeah I'm probably the only CHS-ian studying in Prague, come to think of it.

I should feel so privileged. Hehe...

Yeah, so far, it's been a blessing... I'm learning a lot - about growing, about taking charge of your life, and currently I'm learning discipline and how not to depend so much on other people, though I like to sometimes.

Maybe this abroad thingymajigo experience is helping me with growing up and shaping me into someone... Growing up definitely. I bought my first lipstick today if you want a good example. :-P (I usually borrow my mom's.) And in other aspects too... there is this sense of freedom that if not properly controlled can rule your life. For example, I think I might have been going out too often and not sticking to my books when I should. Which has to change from today onwards... if I want to get home by this summer.

And the people I meet... It's amazing... well, besides a huge Malaysian group, I have met people from all over... from NZ right to Tanzania right to Slovakia right to China right to America right to Ukraine, etc. etc. Prague is like a melting pot of races. Especially in the city where the foreigners are many.. In the smaller towns, we rarely find foreigners, though. It's just amazing... and most of them I met at church.. I'm attending an International church which pretty much feels like home. And I've found a good group of friends whom I am able to blend with. :-) Thank God.

School is okay, too. I've got some pretty cool lecturers, and their English put some of ours to shame, I'd say. I wish I could speak Chinese as well as they can speak English. But oh well... that reminds me, I've really got to have some sort of coaching when I get back. I seriously HAVE TO LEARN MANDARIN. I know, I know... what with you guys speaking English half the time, I didn't learn much. XD

But I love you guys all the same. :-)

Otherwise... yeah. That's pretty much it for now, at least. I miss high school. I just came back from a choir by a congregation of more than 10 high schools from all over the world which blew me off my feet... I'll post the link on my blog sometime soon and you guys can go check youtube. And they did it all in 3 days, can you believe it. It really made me miss school and the chances that I had to be involved in the singing community.

Righto. Have fun y'all. And take care. I'll see you around. :-)


P.S. To those dears who have been keeping this blog alive... what would I do without you guys. *hugs*

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