Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Our Chatterbox Died!!!

Oh, the horror of horrors!!! A dead chatterbox is the definitive turnaround for a blog. Either it:

(a) is replaced by a new clean chatterbox which

(i) dies, too, eventually
(ii) lives for a while and then dies
(iii) lives pathetically during dormant phases throughout the schooling year.


(b) is never replaced. The primary symptom to look out for in a necrotic blog.

*sniff* Goodbye, dear chatterbox. You have lived us well. Your memories we shall cherish, forever and ever.

From letter to letter, and byte to byte.



On another note, since I'm not blogging regularly in my own personal blog, maybe I'd haunt this space for a bit. But I'm wondering how and what I should post here, since, after all, this blog is really meant for class activities and occasionally sublime articles from XingJi and LiHong.

Maybe I'll just post up random thoughts. Anything to keep this site from vanishing altogether as the years go by, eh?

Any brilliant ideas?

And should we get a new chatterbox? Although it seems pretty redundant for NOW because we're all such busy people, hehe.. It seems more appropriate to wait for the hols to restart one.

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