Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Jill and I

The following is a story written by my abdul samad schoolfriend for CAP( creative something programme)...He's abit afraid it might be too controversial for the singaporeans to handle... so i asked him to gave it to me for commenting...personally i like it although the style is abit reminiscent of "The curious incident about the dog in the night time"...Would appreciate if you read and comment...everything is intentional

(****)# means it was striked out in the original...but i dunno how to replicate

Jill and I

When I first met Jill, I pulled her hair.

Well, I were six then, after all.

She started crying, then she punched me and I started crying. Then we were both crying and running cos I was chasing her trying to pull her hair and she dint want that. Then the teacher made us both say sorry to each other and we did and we became mates.

We were mates for a long time. Even when I stole her doll and let the dog have it. Even when I found out that she’d told Tracy Russels how much I fancied her and Tracy’d said “Ew.” Even when she tripped during football and her boots hit my balls and dad had to take me to hospital.

We were mates until It happened. And then we weren’t mates no more.


When It happened, we were both thirteen. Well, Jill was; her birthday was in March. I was younger’n her cos my birthday wasn’t till June.

I was in the loo one day on the crapper when I heard some of the older boys come in. I rec’nized Gary’s voice and some other guy cos they were talking while they pissed. Gary was laughing at the other guy cos he said he had small thing. I could tell the other guy weren’t happy with that cos he told Gary to eff off.

Them talking about it made me (cureeos coorious)# puzzled so when I got home that day I made sure dad was out and took the ruler out and measured my thing. I’d never done that before and I didn’t know whether it was big or not. I was going to ask my best frend Jack but then I thought he might think I was coming on to him and call me a faggot so I decided not to.


A few weeks later I remember askin’ Mrs. Littleworth about my thing and about girl things. She told me it weren’t right to think of things like that and that if I started thinking of ‘em I should get down and pray to Jesus cos Jesus would send the things away. I said to her no thanks because I didn’t want Jesus to take my thing away and she said I didn’t understand but the bell rang then and I had to go.

I saw Jill later and asked her about her thing but she said it weren’t any of my effin (bisness)# business.


Tracy’s birthday came round and she had a big party cos her parents were rich. She dint ask me to come but she invited Jill and Jill took me along.

It was a boring party at first but then it got better cos Sam Welcher brought his dad’s beer with him and got drunk and did a funny dance. Then we were all dancing and Jill told me I had to dance with her cos otherwise the others would look at her funny.

So we danced really slow and then Jill gave me a kiss. Not a wet snog like I saw Patty Jenkins give Adam Marshall once at the school gate, just a peck on the lips. It was nice.


I asked Jack about this stuff once. He reads a lot so he knows lots of stuff. He told me that we were goin’ through (pooberty poobertee)# changes cos we were getting older. That was why we was getting hairy under our arms and near our thing. I said I dint have any hair and he showed me his which was patchy but def’nitly growing.

He said that soon we’d be able to make babies and I asked him whether we’d learn it in the design workshop or something and he laughed and said that no, we’d just have this white stuff that can make babies. I asked him how and he said he dint know because his dad had caught him reading the book that told him all this and yelled at him and taken the book away.

It was probly like growing plants, Jack said. Put the white stuff in the ground and water it and babies will grow.

I wish they’d teach us this stuff at school but no-one talks about it except Mrs. Littleworth and she just tells us to pray to Jesus.


When I saw Jill again we started talking. Jill is cool cos even though she’s a girl she can chat about football and other girls.

I asked her about her thing again and she got all quiet. She said if I stopped bothering her she’d show me her thing if I showed her mine. So I did and she giggled and I giggled when I saw hers and we were both giggling cos it all looked so silly. Then she kissed me again and said we shouldn’t tell anyone, especially Mrs. Littleworth.


I ran into Gary again in the toilet like before. This time I was pissing too and he laughed at my thing just like he laughed at the other guys. I could see his was big but I dint care cos I told him that at least I’d seen a girl’s thing and I bet he dint.

He told me that he’d seen girl’s things and done more and I asked him what so he told me that guys and girls can put their things together. I said no way but he looked serious.


Jill and I were in her room one day and I told her bout what Gary had said. She told me that her frends called it sex and that everyone said Tracy Russells had sex all the time.

I was (coreous curios kurius)# nosy about sex and so was Jill so we locked the door and looked at our things. My thing was getting hard like it sometimes does and Jill said that was so it could do sex.

We were about to try it but then I saw the Jesus (croosifik crucifink)# crucifix round her neck and thought of Mrs. Littleworth and my thing wasn’t so hard no more. Jill asked me why and I told her and she took Jesus off. Then we heard a car in the street and got scared cos we thought it were her parents back from work and I stuffed Jesus into my jeans and we put our clothes on.

But it wasn’t her parents so we tried it again and it felt nice, but Jill said it hurt and I got scared cos there was some blood. And then I felt like I was peeing but I wasn’t and my thing got soft. Then we got dressed and dint look at each other cos we felt a bit embarrassed.


Jill wouldn’t talk to me no more after that for some reason. So I spent most of my time with my other mates and I told Jack bout what I done with Jill but he dint believe me.

Then one day my dad came in with a very serious look and said come with me and I went with him to a clinic. Jill was there with her parents and her mum was crying. Her dad started shouting when he saw my dad. The nurse told ‘em to get out so they went and I could hear them shouting then it was quiet.

Jill’s mum wouldn’t let me near her and Jill wouldn’t look at me. When my dad came in I asked him what were wrong and he told me that Jill was getting an (aborshen)# abortion. I asked him what that was and he said it was killing a baby.

I dint know where the baby came from so I asked but he told me to stop being an idiot cos Jill had told her parents everything and about us having done sex once. I said yeah but where did the baby come from? He looked at me for a long time then said that sex can make babies.

I thought he was lying but he was dead serious. Then the nurse called Jill in and her parents went in with her and her dad gave me a dirty look. And I realized that the baby must have come from us and the sex and that now they were going to kill it.

I felt sick then and were looking for some tissues in my jeans but instead I felt something else and took it out. It were Jill’s Jesus.


I never saw Jill again after that cos her parents took her away to another school. And the whole school knew about what had happened cos Tracy Russells told ‘em.

That all happened a year ago. Dad told me all about sex and babies and I understood and I wondered why they never told us this before. Maybe then Jill and I would still be frends.

Ever since she left I started wearing her Jesus crucifix and whenever I think of her I touch Jesus and pray that she is happy.


Flo said...

I blame the parents. Poor kids.

elyn said...

Oooo.. ah.. nice ending. crude but effective. i guess that's the only way to write to come across as a cluess innocent little boy. nice.

you sure you didn't write it? :D