Moral is boring,
People are snoring,
Students fantasizing,
About something or even nothing.
Physics- the confuser,
Mega brain teaser,
Explain the waves of water,
Who cares? Does this matter?
History should be history,
Who cares what people did in sixteen-sixty,
All of it was pure shitty,
Goddamn them and their f***ing treaties.
Chemistry- I don't get a thing!
What the hell is the teacher teaching?
Add this and add this and you'll get something,
Don't spill it or it will corrode your "thing".
Addmaths, all about integration,
To protect the world from devastion,
To unite all people within our nation,
To get it all back, use differentiation,
Count properly or face annihilation.
Biology- a mountain of terminology,
Learning about the stupid blood circulatory,
As if artificial insemination,
Can ever equal normal copulation.
Modern maths- don't bite off more than you can chew;
If p=q, the mod. maths = "EW",
Imagine us studying this pile of doodoo,
Wish i could curse it's creator with voodoo.
Freakin' waste of time is the EST;
When you can lounge around & have a cuppa Justea.
Makes testicles shrivel and men's breasts swell,
Why should we care if athletes take steroids?
Serves them right if they start getting periods!
And educational games like Call of Duty and Gunbound, And maybe even a Playstation;
Gleeful smiles are gueranteed all around,