Friday, November 13, 2009

Lecturis Boringus

And this is how my lecture theatre looks like. Sorta... so how does it compare across the unis?


Flo said...

If the floorboards creak, and the stairs are of uneven height, and if you switch those comfy chairs I see in your drawing for wooden benches with acute bending angles, if there are blackboards and only 2 doors for entry and exit on either sides of the blackboards (so that the audience can conveniently use latecomers for entertainment)...

...yup that's pretty much my good (super) ol' uni. :P

P.S. Nice drawing, Xing Ji! That bored, huh. ;)

xingji said...

Thanks for the compliment. Not bored, I had already done my reading before hand, and I felt "inspired" that day