Friday, July 28, 2006

Bring it on !!

As the title says, BRING IT ON !! Go ahead n conduct the survey n if u nid an independent party, i can help since auditors act in the same way, ie being independent.

I alreadi hav my 1st supporter in Chun Wei. Man even guys like me. Wat can i say. (I dun get how come i'm super confident now too.. LOL !).

Li Hong, u can start by asking all the ppl in dis blog to comment on whether they love me.

Cheers n gd luck

Thursday, July 27, 2006


quote from sui yuan(comment no.20, title "Hmm...Points to Ponder")
"college gals luv me" u know college gals luv u..have u conducted a survey, done a research? Or izzit based on your own observation? Unlike the one made by rachel,this time..observation alone is plainly inadequate unless it is done by third party..if it is done by sui yuan then there will be will be a certain kind of bias..the super confident personality which dwells in sui yuan's overly active unconscious mind which sui yuan have no control over-just like there is a mr. Hyde in everyone one of us will surface and affect the observations. Thus i suggest that an independent panel comprising of students from different colleges be set up to anaylse this problem-whether college gal luves sui yuan. Of course the member of the independent panel cannot be handpicked by suiyuan. Instead it should be selected by an independent party. I suggest that a teacher or mentor from sunway college can be used for that purpose.And by the way..the panel shouldn't have college gals too!!

So, what can the independent panel do?

1) Firstly, they have to set definition for everything. Define college. Define girls. Define love. Define Sui Yuan
2) Do a survey of gals that sui yuan knows and ask them if they luv sui yuan. In the survey, there must also be a definition of love. And also definition of Sui Yuan.
3) Analyse the survey results. If more than 2/3 of the gals say they luv sui yuan. Well then his statement is somewhat proven. If not..then it is his overly active mind at work here.

And why would the independent panel be bothered to do any research at all? Certainly incentives must be given..
well..sui yuan can offer them free coaching on how to charm college gals...that certainly would be moe than sufficient payment for all the hard work that is done.

:) had a nice time reading?
good!! coz i had a nice time typing..CHEERS!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Hmm..points to ponder

10 reasons why taylors have lots of couples
1) ppl dun have to wear uniform, school starts comparatively later thus ppl have time to make themselves look better.
2) peer pressure: ppl see other ppl got, they also basically if alot of ppl break up then with my theory u will see many other ppl break up together also..haha
3) Hollywood's fault
4) still Hollywood's fault
5) Taylor's is damn basketball court no field..the boys end up flirting during their free time
6) What do u expect..u think Taylor's is Catholic High School meh!!
7) Taylorians have alot of free time..except for the case of maybe Rachel who does all her assignments..
8) Rachel is seeing everything in a different light as she has uh..SH..AU..ermm..NN so she is trying to show that she is just normal.
9) Rachel is lying.
10)How would Rachel know?? You can't conclude anything by mere observation!! U need statistics, surveys, polling, votes!!! Rachel, can u obtain them and show it to the world?
If u can't, case is dropped.

haha..i should really be studying man..scored C for econs and E for general paper( english ) E!!!...wat the hell!! how can anyone get an E for their English Paper!! Florence!! Xing Ji!! Rachel!! Shaun!! lets exchange brains!! oh i forgot i dun wanna exchange brains with florence..dun wanna wash my own clothes..Maybe not Shaun too..i'll still be taking the same paper in another jc anyway so its redundant...same goes for Xing Ji..i'll have to take his KI..that leaves Rachel!!
argh but i dun wan Shaun!! shit.
guess that leaves me..

hopefully everyone had a good laugh reading this post..i sure did =)
p.s Rachel the whole post is just truth in it unless u choose to i said in my blog..there ain't no truth..So basically X Files is telling a lie..but if there is no truth, then there will be no lie too..but can there be no truth.."I'M NOW TYPING" this statement is the truth right...haha..maybe not..coz by the time u read this..i'm not actually typing anymore..haha..i can hear "WATEVER" around me already..
tats all for this month!!!
take care everyone!!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

study till you drop

That's typically what I do in college these days. (Nothing else to do, really. That, and the heavyweight responsibility I have to live up to as a scholar.) Yup, it's only the 2nd week into studies... approaching the 3rd week soon. 3 months to AS... struggling to finish notes / fight for food among approximately 500 other KTT dudes and dudettes / get what SEEMS like adequate sleep (well, somewhat... 4 hours in the night, then add another 1/2 in the afternoon... *glassy-eyed zombie takes her place in the classroom and winces at grammatical errors or protests what lecturer says every now and then*)

Come to think of it... if we had people like XingJi, Tim, Li Hong, Chun Wei, etc. over here, we won't be able to budge from chapter to chapter like what we've finally managed to commence on doing at the present. (The lecturer would be too busy rectifying him/herself and getting confused at the refutations and bizarre questions piped up at every other second.)

Or, they could just throw their weight around and do it their way:


Classmate: Sir, why is it that some atoms in certain molecules don't have to reach the octet structure?

Lecturer: Oh... well... you don't have to know that. It's not in the syllabus.


Oh, and I realised that I couldn't live without some things @ college:

1. Insect spray

VERY VERY IMPORTANT!!! Apparently I've been dubbed as an expert killer of cockroaches. The other 3 of my roommates are either frightened / can't care less about the roaches roaming the floors we step on each day. My current record is 2 a week. :P Oh, this object has to be paired up with a good pair of bathroom slippers. (Jungle roaches are very strong. You have to stomp at each *at least* thrice to end its life.)

2. Plastic bags

I reuse plastic bags over and over again to keep stuff, carry stuff, throw stuff into. I can't imagine life without plastic. Too handy.

3. Sticky tape

Thank God for the inventor of cellotape / masking tape, etc... I don't know what I'll do without them... Glue dries up really slow and you can't staple everything you want to stick together.

4. Memo papers

I have half a dozen in irregular sequence pasted all over on the wall where my study desk is situated.

And last but not least...


VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!! ESPECIALLY ON WINDY DAYS!!! I have witnessed a fallen shirt, a fallen pair of shorts on my balcony, a FALLING shirt, a fallen piece of apparel you wouldn't feel very comfortable having to knock on the door of your neighbour's downstairs to collect back for (and I and my other roommate thought it was really one of my roommate's. XD Awkward situation, that. But extremely educational, though. I never quite viewed pegs as an object that would save much embarrassment.)

Sigh. Still miss the old days of school, though. College is just so stale in comparison.

Have a great week ahead, you guys. :)

While I will... subjugate myself to the title above, heh. :P

Saturday, July 08, 2006


just donated 450ml of my blood yesterday
nice experience
get to lie on the bed..then the rest of the day got a fabulous excuse to just slack and not do anything useful..and then got good excuse to sleep more too

so next time there's blood donation and i'm feeling lazy
think i'll go donate again
after all
the more blood u donate
then the more blood u will reproduce
and new blood is always better right?

anyway World Cup coming to an end
4 years later World Cup again
by that time all of us probably will be some where doing our degree while Sui Yuan will be out working as an accountant ( damn!!)
remember to belanja mamak when u get that first paycheck ok Sui Yuan!!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Of tim and his 3 cents

hey more everlyn k....haha....and that 88 average...will remember that forever...the one and only proof that i beat nicholas...haha!!! Perhaps he got inspired after that..who knows??

Oh yeah...form 3 was pmr...who can forget that....i actually didn't want holidays to come...i wanna continue going to school play and play!!!!
U remember quite a lot of stuff eh tim....haha...using the rope to get pails of water was ingenious...haha....still proud of that till this very day!!!

form 5 was wonderful....who thought i could run faster than shu haur....haha...i'll be killed if he sees this

Sigh...all the good old times again...funny that i couldn't shed a tear during graduation day but i actually am holding back now....sigh...