Thursday, December 25, 2008


be4 i begin, let me say this: XING JI IS HILARIOUS!!

i wanna contribute something too!!

1)How much do you think you're worth?

You can't put one's worth into monetary sense; one moment someone is employed and one moment someone is retrenched..does this mean the person suddenly become worthless coz no one is willing to pay him to work??

Monetary worth is such a random unpredictable moment you are a millionaire and the next moment, u are bankrupt.

Which is y.. a persons's worth is only determined by his KNOWLEDGE..

2) Quote:

It is lonely at the top.
Victory stinks.
In order to be victorious, you need to sweat it out.
and sweat stinks(for most of us anyway),
hence, victory stinks.

yay i just wasted 20 minutes of my time, and 3 minutes of yours. Thanks.