Saturday, August 25, 2007


5S1 reunion 2007

Saturday, 1st Sept 2007 - night (say start around 7-ish?)
Potbless Dinner @ Timothy's house

(directions will be given later after everything's 100% confirmed)

We're having POTBLESS. Means EVERYONE has to bring SOMETHING so that we can ALL have ENOUGH food to eat.

To make sure no one brings the same food, we're probably gonna delegate instead of going on a voluntary basis. So do confirm your attendance quick so that we can plan everything efficiently and quickly!!!

Confirm with me by the following means:

or anywhere visible on this blog.

(SOK KENG! YEN TINK! ANYONE EXPERIENCED IN LOGISTICS! Can help me with the estimation? I'm scared I underestimate or overestimate the amount of food and drinks... Haven't organised big-scale meals in a long time!)

Last but not least, thank you all for your kind responses so far. I've gotten responses from almost everybody (with the exception of these people):

YinShean, CherHui, KaiJun, Patrick, KiaSheng.

Weiiii... Friends out there! Make sure your fellow 5S1-ers know, man. Our goal is to make this event a success, remember?


Together, let's make this a success!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

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